Deep Dive into the World of Cosmetic Regulatory Compliance and Cosmetic Regulatory Intelligence

Growing awareness of young consumers coupled with evidence based scientific innovations is fuelling the demand for innovative personal care products and cosmeceuticals. The companies are willing to introduce new products lines and venture into new markets – but this has caught the attention of regulators who are re-inventing ways to ensure the consumers are safe. As the cosmetics world transitions into a more regulated space, a market entry strategy for cosmetics is the need of the hour. We help companies devise their cosmetic regulatory strategy to thrive in this new normal with our cosmetic regulatory intelligence.

With a comprehensive global regulatory database fully updated with cosmetic regulatory information, we cover everything the cosmetics world needs to know about. From providing cosmetic product registration information to cosmetic products classification to breaking down cosmetic labeling requirements for cosmetic product notification, we strive to be your ultimate guiding partner for your entire cosmetic regulatory pathway.

Aside from the general guidelines, we also cover niche cosmetic regulatory information on topics – such as sustainability, green cosmetics, safety and recall information, filings, trade association meeting summaries: you name it, we have it.

Co-Pilot with iREADY: our Ingredient Intelligence Platform that can review formulae, generate ingredient list, and provide geo-specific cosmetic regulatory intelligence for your cosmetic products. Try it out now along with Freya!

Unlock the Magic of Cosmetics Intelligence
e.g., EC Regulation 2023/1545 (Additional fragrance allergen list) Transition period (new and existing products) Impact assessment (affected product types) Monitoring of regulatory amendment and draft regulation Services pertaining to new and upcoming regulatory trends Local representative Adverse event monitoring and reporting requirements Post Approval Changes Renewal/ Annual Report Product recall Post Marketing and Lifecycle Management Manufacturing and Distribution Product quality standards & Specifications Qualification criteria for manufacturing facilities Raw Material compliance and documentation Product testing requirements (Stability, Microbiology, Claim Substantiation) Packaging & labelling requirements Submissions and Market Authorization Claims substantiation Facility Audits, Site Registration, GMP Requirements Documentation, Regulatory Registration / Notification Procedures, Timelines Product Safety, Compliance and Market access Ingredient Discovery and Development Presence in Chemical Inventories Safe use levels and Pre-formulation and recommendation Ingredient regulatory and toxicology profiling Identification, Screening and qualification of Novel Ingredients
Periodic regulatory updates that are customised per your products and markets of interest Fully configurable workflows that can be customised for steps, stakeholders, timelines and sequence. Innovative chatbot empowered with ChatGPT technology and Freyr's proprietary training dataset. Powerful search capabilities (filters that work in combination for topic, product type, market, and a range of dates) Difficult to catch up with regulatory changes that impact my Product Portfolio We want not just a database or platform for individual consumption, but we also want to collaborate with our colleagues and partners (assigning task, collating impact assessment, tracking the implementation) Difficult to find the relevant regulations and clear, concise answers instead of just a stack that has thousands of documents

Looking for a one-stop regulatory intelligence solution?

Explore Freyr IMPACT

Ingredient compliance has never been this easy

Explore Freyr iReady

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End-to-End Regulatory Intelligence Services for Cosmetic Products in India

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